Friday, May 2, 2008

Great Day!

Ryan had a great first day at Wildwood today! His wonderful teacher sent me a 1 1/2 page note about what he did. She said he came in with a smile on his face, ready to learn. He asked for snack in two word phrases and enjoyed playing in the rice table and with the letters. He had one meltdown over not being allowed to stand on the table but there was no crying today! GREAT JOB RYAN! Thanks for your prayers everyone.
In other news Rory is on call this weekend so we have no idea how much we'll actually see him. Thanks for your hard work Daddy. Jon mailed in a picture of an original Lego creation he made in the hopes of getting it printed in Lego magazine. He is a great builder and creator. There is no way I could make the things he does! Jessi is in the process of making a My Little Pony design to send into a contest. She wants to win a trip to New York City. I hope you win Jess. My mom and dad are planning to take atrip over to visit us on Sunday. Everyone is looking forward to the visit! I'll have some more pictures shortly I'm experiencing technical difficulties with my camera! I need my husband to help me when he gets home!

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