We have a lot of "firsts" going on here lately. This is my first time writing a blog of any kind actually. I'm excited to get this blog started. I really have a lot I want to share about all of us in the Pitts family.
Last Saturday we went to the daffodil parade so our youngest family member, Isabella, went to her first annual parade. She did pretty well and liked all the colors and sights but cryed everytime a marching band came through with drums. They were a bit too loud for her 3 1/2 month old ears! That morning before the parade our 4 year old,Kaylie, announced that she was going to be brave and get her ears pierced for the first time. We were all shocked since she has been seriously afraid of getting anywhere near the ear piercing chair at Claire's. She did really well until we got into the mall. At that point she told me, "Maybe Claire's is closed today." But she was brave enough to get them done even through tears. All day everyone complimented her on her beautiful June birthstone earrings. All she said to everyone is "...but it hurt." She is our girly girl drama queen, and though she likes being called girly girl she doesn't like being called a drama queen. She would prefer the title Princess.
The biggest first of all for us started on Monday when I had to send my little 3 year old off to school on the bus. Ryan just turned three in March and yet I sent him off with his diapers in his backpack on the bus. Ryan was tested with the school district and found to have a developmental delay and so he qualifies for the preschool special education program. It seems like a really wonderful program and the bus and drivers are wonderful too, its just hard to send him at such a young age crying for Mommy as they pull away from the sidewalk in front of our house. We noticed Ryan was different than our other children around 10 months old when he started walking. From the minute he could walk he was into everything and got more and more active as time went by. This hyperactivity is hard to keep up with when you have a big family to take care of! Then I noticed his language was delayed and he didn't speak in sentences even though he didn't seem to have a problem saying single words. He still speaks much in a language only he can understand. He also didn't seem to understand much of what I was saying to him and until very recently could not answer a yes or no question even though he could quote from his favorite movies such as toy story "To Infinity and Beyond" he would shout jumping from the top of the couch. Anyway its been a long road getting here and I wanted to deny there was anything wrong at first, (I had been to two different pediatricians with him who said he was probably just a late talker), but Ryan is going to be tested for Autism on May 5th. I am just wanting him to get the help he needs to live the fullest life he can. He is doing better each day at school this week and his teacher sent a note that he was in a happy mood and barely cried yesterday! I thank God for the opportunity to send him to school and for the bus which takes him there and I know he'll get used to it soon. He has a lot of support from two of his biggest siblings Jessi and Jon and from my DH and I.